Below, you’ll find recent examples of my scholarship. For questions on any specific publication, feel free to message me and I will respond as soon as possible. A complete list of publications is available in Google Scholar.
Edited books
Environmental Journalism
Takahashi, B. & Salas, M. F. (in press). "Localizing (or not) climate change in Spanish-language newspapers in the United States. Environmental Communication.
Takahashi, B. (2024). Objetividad y activismo en la cobertura climática en Latinoamérica. In Mercado, M. T. & Teso, G. (Eds.). Ética de la Comunicación Ambiental y del Cambio ClimáticoHeo, R., Miller, S., Takahashi, B., Cottrell, J. (2024). A content analysis of EPPM’s threat and efficacy information in environmental news: The impact of a community of practice and topic. Newspaper Research
Takahashi B. (2024). Reporting with care: Reflections on environmental journalism, ethics, and Latin American challenges. Environmental Communication, 18(1-2), 61-67.
Miller, S., Takahashi, B., Heo, R., & Cottrell, J. (2023). Sustainability and environmental communities of practice’s impact on news content diversity. Journalism Practice.
Takahashi, B. & Zhang, Q. (2023). Place in disaster coverage: An analysis of newspaper coverage of Hurricane Maria. Journalism Practice.
Takahashi, B., Zhang, Q., Chavez, M., & Nieves, Y. (2022). Touch in disaster reporting: Television coverage before Hurricane Maria. Journalism Studies, 23(7), 818-839.
Van Witsen, A. & Takahashi, B. (2021). How science journalists verify numbers and statistics in news stories: Towards a theory. Journalism Practice, 1-20.
Takahashi, B., Adams, E., & Nissen, J. (2020). The Flint water crisis: Local reporting, community attachment, and environmental justice. Local Environment, 25(5), 365-380.
Takahashi, B., Zhang, Q., Chavez, M. (2020). Preparing for the worst: Lessons for news media after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Journalism Practice. 14(9), 1106-1124.
Environmental Communication
Takahashi, B. (2023). Towards inclusive international environmental communication scholarship: The role of Latin America. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 26(4), 372-391.
Ellithorpe, M., Zeldes, G. M., Dorrance Hall, E., Chavez, M., Takahashi, B., Bleakley, A., Plasencia, J. (2022). I’m lovin’ it: How fast-food advertising influences meat-eating preferences. Journal of Health Communication.
Duan, R., Zwickle, A. K., Takahashi, B. (2022). Refining the application of construal level theory: Egocentric and nonegocentric psychological distances in climate change visual communication. Environmental Communication. 16(1), 92-107.
Ellithorpe, M., Takahashi, B., Zeldes, G., Dorrance-Hall, E., Chavez, M., & Plasencia, J. (2021). Family and cultural perceptions about meat consumption among Hispanic and White adults in the United States. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 61(3), 353-366
Hautea, S., Parks, P., Takahashi, B., & Zeng, J. (2021). Showing they care (or don’t): Affective publics and ambivalent climate activism on TikTok. Social Media + Society.
Duan, R., Takahashi, B., & Zwickle, A. K. (2021). How engaging are concrete images? The moderating role of construal level in climate change visual communication. Science Communication, 43(3), 358-387.
Camacho, K., Portelli, R. A., Shortridge, A. M., Takahashi, B. (2021). Sentiment mapping: Point pattern analysis of sentiment classified Twitter data. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 48(3), 241-257.
Albert, L. & Takahashi, B. (2021). Emergency communications policies in Puerto Rico: Regulatory institutions and stakeholders’ interaction during Hurricane Maria. Telecommunications Policy, 45(3).
Dorrance Hall, E., Ma, M., Azimova, D., Campbell, N. L., Ellithorpe, M., Plasencia, J., Chavez, M, Zeldes, G., Takahashi, B., Bleakley, A., Hennessy, M. (2021). The mediating role of family and cultural food beliefs on the relationship between family communication patterns and diet and health issues across racial/ethnic groups. Health Communication, 36(5), 593-605.
Viteri, F. & Takahashi, B. (2020). Use of learning frames in climate change communication: A study of organizations in Latin America. International Communication Gazette. 82(8), 726-748.
Manuschevich, D., Takahashi, B., Ramirez-Pascualli, C. A., & Nieves-Pizarro, Y. (2019). Of Catholicism, forest, and management: An analysis of imaginaries in the discussion of the Native Forest Law in Chile. Environmental Communication, 13(2), 165-178.
Science Communication
Valdez-Ward, E., Ulrich, R. N., Bennett, N., Martinez-Maldonado, E., Mattheis, A., Treseder, K. K., Takahashi, B., & Menezes, S. (2024). Science communicators from marginalized backgrounds challenge STEM cultural norms to promote community belonging. Journal of Science Communication, 23(4), A01.
Rodriguez, L., Takahashi, B., Tiffany, L. A., Menezes, S.., & Valdez-Ward, E. (2023). Minoritized scientists in the United States: An identity perspective to science communication. Science Communication.
Interdisciplinary Research
Hartinger, S….Takahashi, B.,… et al. (2024). The 2023 Latin America report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: The imperative for health-centred climate-resilient development. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas.
Kendig, C., Selfa, T., Thompson, P….Takahashi, B. (2024). The need for more inclusive deliberation on ethics and governance in food biotechnology. Journal of Responsible Innovation.
Yglesias, M., Hartinger, S….Takahashi, B.,… et al. (2023). The Lancet Countdown South America: Increasing health opportunities by identifying the gaps in health and climate change research. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, 26.
Takahashi, B., et al. (2023). Climate change and public health in South America: A scoping review of governance and public engagement research. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas.
Hartinger, S….Takahashi, B.,… et al. (2023). The 2022 South American Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Trust the Science, now that we know, we must act. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas.