Dr. Bruno Takahashi
Brandt Endowed Professor of Environmental Communication
Michigan State University


Welcome to my website. Here you will find information about my scholarship. 

I serve as the Brandt Endowed Professor of Environmental Communication at Michigan State University. I hold a joint appointment in the School of Journalism and AgBioResearch and serve as the Research Director at the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism

My bachelor’s degree in communication is from Universidad de Lima, Perú, and my M.S. and Ph.D. in environmental science (with a specialization in environmental communication and participatory processes) from SUNY ESF, USA. 

My current research focuses on news coverage of environmental issues, environmental journalism practices in Latin America and U.S. Latino media, and identity in science communication.

I was born and raised in Lima, Perú. I moved to the USA to pursue graduate school. It was not in the original plan to become a professor in the USA, but here I am and loving it. Michigan and Michigan State University are amazing places to live and work. 

Despite being away from my roots and family, most of my scholarship engages with the communication of environmental issues in Latin America. This includes researching complex networks of actors, media, and communication processes,  all embedded in post-colonial and social and environmental justice dynamics.

I enjoy collaborative work, which has allowed me to meet, visit, and work with amazing colleagues and students from around the world. 

Canoeing with students in Lake Sandoval in the Peruvian Amazon, 2024

I have extensive experience and participation in environmental communication scholarship. I currently serve as an elected board member of the International Environmental Communication Association (IECA), which I helped to establish as a founding member. I was also vice chair and chair of the Environmental Communication division of the International Communication Association (ICA). My editorial experience includes five years as an associate editor for the journal Environmental Communication, where I remain active on the editorial board. I regularly attend the conferences of IECA, ICA, the Association of Education and Mass Communication (AEJMC), and the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ).

Please browse around to learn more about my research and applied projects, my teaching, and my life as an academic in the USA. 

Prospective graduate students and visiting scholars are welcome to contact me to discuss opportunities.